Weaving can wait, now it is time for spinning... Meaning that I have separated and carded maybe one third of one sack of my Aland wool and really, really wanted to try my hands on it.
After initial fumbling I spun some of the outer as well as some of the inner wool. The 1-ply is miracuosly thin and defined, especially the softer underwool. The coarse and harder outer wool makes a bit spiky yarn initially, but plyed it will be STRONG.
Here ye go. Lighter two roves are outer wool 1-ply and the dark ones are the dream-soft underwool 1-ply.
Closer look at the coarser yarn.
And close up of the soft 1-ply. It really shines like silver...
And yesterday I begun the plying. Basket and a pair of long knitting needles make a perfect Lazy Kate.
Luckily I haven´t gotten rid of all the long knitting needles after all, as I never knit with them. Cabled knitting needles fit my hand sooooo much better...
Pretty nice and thin, eh?
There is some knitting going on as well, but no photos because that knitting is meant for christmas and we wouldna want the wrong eyes to see it...
I love thinking up and designing very personified presents to family and friends. Usually. Right now there are very few things that make me tick like a normal person, and one of them seems to be learning new things and trying my hand in obscure and/or ancient techniques of craft. Results are not very christmas giftable, so I am afraid this year sees my list of people to give presents shortened down considerably.
Or then I chicken out and get a raging panic two weeks before christmas and knit hysterically through the nights...
Anyway. I think this next picture sums my attitude towards crafts right now... The more the merrier...
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